Webinar: Human Wholeness, Justice, and Joy: An Approach to Culturally Responsive Coaching

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Webinar: Human Wholeness, Justice, and Joy: An Approach to Culturally Responsive Coaching

In this webinar, the Institute of Coaching’s director of education, Dr. Pamela Larde explores the profound intersection of human wholeness, justice, and joy in the context of coaching clients who are facing identity-based inequities in their personal or professional lives. Larde introduces her Multidimensional Framework of Joy to describe the journey from wellness to liberation and the components that play key roles in the pursuit of our joy. The goal is to explore a human wholeness approach to helping clients navigate through challenges associated with identity-based biases, inequities, and hostile environments.

Larde proposes that at the heart of this process is a culturally responsive coaching lens. Combining this with the concept of joy, this session dives into what culturally responsive coaching means and how this lens enables us to center the unique backgrounds and perspectives of our clients as we help them with two overarching goals: navigating oppressive environments and pursuing personal and professional joy.

The key takeaways are evidence-based tools and insights that can help coaches activate joy in their clients while serving as allies in the challenging journey to justice and radical change.

Ethical Coaching For Change Framework

The Career Decision Matrix

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