Des O'Connell

Des O'Connell's picture

Des O’Connell is a business coach and a member of faculty at Meyler Campbell Ltd, one of the UK’s leading business coach training companies. He spends much of his time coaching senior leaders in law firms.

He spent more than 20 years working in the City of London – as a solicitor, as managing partner of a City law firm, and as a senior executive at Barclays Bank Group - before turning his focus to training, facilitation and coaching in 2001.

He was for several years a tutor and lecturer on the MBA programme at Nottingham Law School and is a member of faculty of the global Lawyers Management Programme launched in 2011 by Instituto Empresa (Madrid) in conjunction with the College of Law in the UK

He is a partner in Sherwood PSF Consulting Ltd.
[email protected]
