Keisuke Horikoshi

Keisuke Horikoshi's picture

Keisuke Horikoshi (堀越 啓介) is a Project Assistant Professor (特任講師) of the University of Tokyo (University of Tokyo Market Design Center, Graduate School of Economics) and a Specially-appointed Associate Professor (Part-time) at Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, Kyoto University of Advanced Science. He is a Fellow Member, Institute of Coaching, at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School affiliate.

In his research (The Positive Psychology of Challenge: Towards Interdisciplinary Studies of Activities and Processes Involving Challenges), he proposes the concept of challengership (“activities and processes involving challenges”) and aims to pioneer interdisciplinary studies of challengership (challengership studies), which can be applied to education and coaching. In The Positive Education of Challenge: Innovative Integration of Challenge Based Learning and Positive Education, integration of positive education and challenge based learning is explored to develop positive education that enables learners to flourish with challenges at the individual and collective levels.

He holds a Bachelor of Liberal Arts (International Relations) from the University of Tokyo, a Master of Arts (East Asian Studies) from Yale University, a Master of Science (Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology) from the University of East London, and a Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship Professional Certificate. He worked at the Bank of Japan for a decade.