Managing to clear the air: Stereotype threat, women, and leadership

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Managing to clear the air: Stereotype threat, women, and leadership
The Leadership Quarterly

In this article, we explore the process and implications of stereotype threat for women in leadership, broadly construed. First, we provide a brief background on the phenomenon of stereotype threat generally. Next, we explore stereotype threat for women in leadership by reviewing a model of stereotype threat in leadership contexts that includes cues to stereotype threat, consequences of stereotype threat, and moderators of stereotype threat appraisals and responses. In this review, in addition to considering research focused squarely on leadership, we include the broader categories of research examining stereotype threat effects in the workplace and in tasks and domains relevant to leadership. Finally, we examine implications for future research and explore practices to reduce the potential for negative stereotype threat effects.

The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 27, Issue 3, June 2016, Pages 387–399

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