Positive Psychology

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done

Based upon his weekly Harvard Business Review columns (which is one of the most popular columns on HBR.com, receiving hundreds of thousands of unique page views a month), 18 Minutes clearly shows how busy people can cut through all the daily clutter and distractions and find...

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The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment

“We are living an earned life when the choices, risks, and effort we make in each moment align with an overarching purpose in our lives, regardless of the eventual outcome.”...

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CoachXConversations: Todd Kashdan and Carol Kauffman

What if insubordination and rebellion were a necessary next step on the Quest for the Good Life? What if, instead of slowing things down, they were actually a short cut to a more Utopian society?...

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2021 Conference: The 3 questions for the 3 waves of Positive Psychology

Robert and Carol will look back at his father’s legacy, the man Marty Seligman said was the true father of positive psychology. A brilliant, funny and humble man he launched “Positive Psychology 1.0.” We’ll look at the 3 main lessons he brought to the world. Robert has continued this legacy....

CoachXConversations: Richard Schwartz and Carol Kauffman

Richard Schwartz and Carol Kauffman discuss the Internal Family Systems model and it's applications to leadership.

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What Should We Teach MBA Students: Positive Psychology or Coaching Psychology?

Coaching psychology education has more benefits than positive psychology education in generating self-insight, goal attainment, solution-focused thinking (including more resource activation), and psychological well-being.

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What You Need in a Crisis: Psychological Capital

Navigating a sudden, deep and widespread crisis, like a global pandemic, requires a level of calm fortitude and resilience that is not called forth every day, rarely in most lifetimes....

Invest in Psychological Capital

While investment in psychological capital is not necessarily a direct coaching focus, the coaching process by its nature invests in psychological capital. The rich return on the investment arrives in the form of new resources to support a coachee’s present and future agenda for change.

Psychological Capital: An Evidence-Based Positive Approach

The now recognized core construct of psychological capital, or simply PsyCap, draws from positive psychology in general and positive organizational behavior (POB) in particular. The first-order positive psychological resources that make up PsyCap include hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism, or the HERO within....

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Coaches as Intentional Change Artists

In this dose we help coaches ground art with science. We explore a long-taught coaching theory, intentional change theory (ICT), freshly strengthened by linkage to one of psychology’s most robust theories today – self-determination theory.
